A World of Chess in One Day

The Born to Learn Educational Center in Moshi, Tanzania, joined the celebration of the World Chess Day the 20th of July. For that purpose we used for the first time the giant chess-set that Meliá Arusha recently donated and that we wholeheartedly thank them for.

A new toy thanks to Meliá Arusha

The chess club in Born to Learn is just a tiny part of a much larger educational project where over 300 kids of all ages and circumstances visit our center in Newland every week for education, nutrition and mentoring.

With the excuse of the International Chess Day we showcased the game to a broader audience, first to a group of 23 Kindergarten kids (4-5 y/o), then to 20 kids from the English Course (14-17 y/o) and finally a general public of about 100 kids (12-16 y/o) that observed the exhibition matches.


Currently Born to Learn (BTL) has 4 kindergarten classes totaling almost 100 kids. It is a very successful program that offers a much needed nutritional and educational basis on a fundamental age, it also provides a much needed time relief for their families.

Chess is a resource as any other for the kids on these ages, where they are learning very basic memory, motion and language skills and where the most important part is the development of their emotional and social values in good fun.

Getting to know the characters

We did a 40 minute activity where the kids learned the names of the pieces and they run around the board to experiment with the colors, lines and textures.

Stepping on a new world

English Course

Every morning there is a group of 20 kids of ages between 15 and 18 years old that for diverse reason haven’t been able to register in a school. BTL offers them the opportunity to improve their English level in preparation to reincorporating to school or to any other formation.

A bit of theory first…

With this group we focused on chess as a fun activity to relax the mind and to interact with the other kids in English, supervised by their teachers.

…and then a lot of action

When we teach chess, we start to play and compete from day 1, here teachers and students practice with the rook, the first piece we usually teach. You can see how they are engaged, entertained and they socialize in a different manner with their teacher and they release stress. For the first time, the playing field is leveled for teachers and students

After School Programs

From 4 to 7 pm BTL receives over 150 kids that after finishing school have the opportunity to play football, learn music, do handcrafts, review Maths or English… and many other activities that serve as a complement to their education and personal development. They also receive a much welcomed early dinner every day.

Among these activities we have the Chess Club that has over 50 regular participants. This was their day to shine and for starters they were ecstatic about the giant chess-set donation that BTL received.

The chess set by itself has been a great marketing strategy, it attracted the attention of all of the kids, including teachers. The first group of younger kids did a simple game of setting up the board, this shows how dynamic and simple can chess get to be, you don’t need to be a genius, just show your willingness to play.

Ready, get set, go!

The main course of the day was the big match-up of the big kids. Jasinta and Manase, the best players in the school, lead each a team of eight players that would take turns to move. The tension and excitement were great and you could see how the public would get involved, even if many were not familiar with the specifics of the game.

Maximum expectation

Finally, as it is common in Tanzania and a good reason why we keep coming, they all celebrated joyfully, jumping, laughing, dancing, sharing, because be it chess, music, winning, losing… life is always celebrated here.

Just another day in paradise

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